Strip Club Dress Code
When you hear the term “strip club,” I bet among the thoughts that would come to your mind are “women” and “sexy bodies.” Strip clubs are indeed about those stuff, but there’s a strip club dress code that must be followed, and you will know that here.
Keep in mind that disregarding these rules may hinder you from entering strip clubs. Most clubs are strict when it comes to Strip Club dress codes. If you want your hot night in Las Vegas to run smoothly, then you might as well take note of all these!

Strip Club Dress Code 1
What’s in a proper Strip Club Dress Code?
Las Vegas is a perfect place for people who want to spend their night amorously as there are several strip clubs that can fulfill their boiling sexual desires. But it’s important to note that experiencing that requires a bit of effort.
Strip clubs aren’t demanding. They won’t ask you to pay hundreds of dollars before you enter nor do they expect you to buy at least ten drinks from them before you go. All they ask from you is to wear the appropriate attire and show some respect to other people, and that’s it.
1. Pajamas are a no-no!
Just because pajamas are worn at night doesn’t mean that it’s appropriate to wear them when you go to strip clubs at night. Same as with gym clothes, or just underwear, or anything that you are used to wearing in bed.
It is not appropriate attire. If you insist on wearing them even after reading this, then don’t feel bad when you become unable to turn your fantasies into reality! You can dream about them though, while you’re sleeping.
2. Don’t wear shorts!
Want to feel at home? Then go somewhere else other than strip clubs as that feeling is not welcome there! Strip clubs are not a good place to chill and relax. They are for people who want to experience intense excitement and increased libido!
3. T-shirts are OK
T-shirts are one of the most comfortable clothes to wear at any place, but if you’re going to wear it at a strip club, make sure that it doesn’t contain any offensive word! Although strip clubs aren’t totally discreet, it doesn’t give you permission to be a badass! Respect is important anywhere you go.
4. Sweat is nice, but sweatpants aren’t
It’s already given that your body will produce too much sweat because if there’s one word that can describe the overall experience in strip clubs, that is “hot.” But it is not good to wear sweatpants and other loose pants as no one will ever like that, especially the dancers.
5. Jeans are welcome though
But make sure that it’s decent jeans and not ripped or torn. You go to strip clubs not to show off your Instagrammable attire to everyone. Strip clubs aren’t a place to impress your Gen Z followers but to satisfy your sexual hunger!
6. Can you wear flip flops?
The answer is a big NO! This is just the same as wearing shorts. Strip clubs don’t demand you to be too formal with your attire, but don’t be too casual as too casual is not appreciated. Sneakers are okay in some strip clubs, but if you want to play it safe, wear leather shoes.
7. Want to show your athletic side?
Go to the sports arena then! I know your balls will be involved here, but athletic clothes aren’t allowed in strip clubs! If you feel it’s unfair to your being sporty, then you’re not being a sportsman! If you can’t follow and respect the rules, you are disqualified and free to go.
8. Part of a gang?
No one cares about that when you are in a strip club. Whether you are a part of the most famous gang in the world, once you enter a strip club, you become one of the men who seeks to witness women in stripper clothes.
Having said that, take a break from that gangster jacket as well as those bling-blings and blend into the crowd! Also, don’t even think of bringing guns and other objects that can cause violence—you wouldn’t get past the security!

Strip Club Dress Code 2
What Should You Wear?
The phrase “dress to impress” is at play here, but make sure to think that the people you are going to impress are businessmen, hiring managers, or the likes. Yes, that means that you should wear something in between formal and casual. Smart casual, to put it simply.
Know that this is not about strip clubs shaming you for your fashion sense. Dress codes are important for strip clubs because they have a reputation to maintain. They are doing their best to stay in the business.
But wearing the appropriate attire is not all. Proper attitude is also crucial. There are rules that involve the right behaviors to put forth when in a Las Vegas Strip Club, but we are going to talk about that in another article.